Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We are young still!

I want to take the time now to tell you all how wonderful you all are. The staff at CrusFX rawks ty you guys for supporting OUR club! To the VIP's you rawk as well ty for all your suport too.period. With out all of you we would just be some build empty in SL.

We have a sponsored Event Weekend coming up starting friday the 27th of FEB.
Crushed Velvet woot got to love her items! Check out the shop in our mall... and , Her main store..

We at CrusFX will be giving out gift cards (that Crushed Valvet as so kindly donated).Each card is vauled at 600L each 1 male and 1 female will recieve these awsume Gift Cards during the 1pm event on fri, sat,and sun,as well as a prize linden valued at 300 for each winner. WOW nice...mmm .
Make sure to tell all your friends to get their sweet ass down to CrusFX lets rawk it up hard !

More updates to coem.. keep it real people :0 see ya on the sim waves to ya's..